Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today's Memory

Last night at Nate's baseball practice, Juliana saw her little friend, Tristen, reach into her mom's purse and pull out a package of gum.

"What is that?" Jules asked her friend's mom.
"It's gum," she replied.

To which Juliana responded, "what's gum?"

...Have I sheltered her TOO much?!!!!!


Til next time...Leslie said...

Hey Kate! No, You are not a bad MOMMY. That would make me a bad Mommy...My 18 month old wanting to chew Gum! Believe me, I've learned a lot of mistakes that I made with my first child. Unfortunately, Cooper wants to let Tristan do things that she CAN NOT do yet. I thought I was being a Nice Mommy and letting my son do things or have something. And when you do something one time, they remember that!

Kate you've got to pull out your paints! Painting for me has always been very theraputic. Thanks for the encouragement!

One more thing...I'm still trying to learn how about blogging, but how did you link Tristan's name to my blog?
Love, Leslie

Maggie said...

Your sister Krista had problems with corn syrup as a toddler (actually, she still does- is addicted to it now). So, she could never have any candy, or gum, just Fortune cookies made with some rice sweetener.
If I can find some Japanese gum, I will send it along.

LMcWilliams said...

I remember taking my oldest out at around age 4, and she said, no word a lie, "What is this?" She was in awe of the lights, the pizazz, the sounds and smells.
"Is this the circus?" she asks.
"No," I answer, "this is THE MALL."
I mean we live in the suburbs and everything, this will likely be her favorite place in a few years and yet, somehow, I had insulated her from knowing this. The Mall.
This is the legacy we leave, I guess.