Friday, August 12, 2011

Back to Grind!

So long lazy, wake up when we want to, get dressed at 10 am, swim and ride bikes all day, camp in the backyard, and read under the stars days of summer...

School is officially back in session.

Although I'll miss the carefree hours spent hanging out with Nate and Jules, I've  learned that this procrastinator  girl prefers absolutely and desperately needs structure and routine in her life! Juliana begins her last year of preschool and is attending a new school for five days a week this year. I have mixed feelings about it, as I know I'll really miss having that extra one on one time with her for an extra day or two each week. But I know it is for the best. She loves school, and aside from her being very social, she is really incredibly bright.

So, along with the structure and routine of school for Nate and Juliana, comes the very same for me. My goals are simple:

  1. Work 25 hours /week-freelance writing
  2. Create a new Web site for potential clientele showcasing my experience, skills and examples of my published work
  3. Dedicate 30 min. to run each morning (did it today-yeah!)
  4. Post on this blog each day...(I know, I know, I've been such a slacker this past year)
  5. Somehow squeeze in time to get all of  the household chores, grocery shopping, etc...done while the kids are at school (AS WELL, as all of the hum, we'll see...)

Here's to a great "new" year full of motivation, creativity, and of course, lots of success for everyone.



Lizzie said...

yeah! i hope they both love the new year :) now i can say that getting it all done while they're at school had a dark side as well. i did that for years and my kids just assumed the house always looked nice and laundry just magically got done, and they didn't need to help me do anything. no appreciation! so i started leaving it for later and they were shocked to find out I was the one doing it all!! go figure :-/

kate said...

Liz, that is too funny! Although, at the time, I'm sure it wasn't very funny at all! We have gotten to that point too, where I am expecting a lot more of them in terms of picking up after themselves...I only have myself to blame though, sometimes it's just so much easier to do it myself! Anyway, we'll get least with them back in school now they're gone for most of the day and there isn't as much of a mess to clean up!