Saturday, February 13, 2010

Signs of Winter


Finally, a little bit of REAL Winter weather, Real Winter Traits, Real reasons to cancel school, Real reasons to put on hats, gloves, scarves, and boots!

Finally, enough snow for snowmen, snow angels and snowball fights...

Enough snow to enjoy it all day long...

All evening...

And into the next day...

I hope you too, are enjoying some of the awesome Winter weather that so many of us were gifted yesterday!


Rob said...

Kate I do not believe that is snow in Alabama. You may be mistaking what looks to be snow as guano. Many snow starved Northers will tend to make the same mistake from time to time while living below the mason dixon line. May I suggest to keep your young ones away from the acid laden snow looking substance. Glad to be of assistance.

Maggie said...

I love the "evening snow" photo. Columbia received more than 8 inches of snow. Good thing that you moved further South.