Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day 2010

Happy Earth Day!!!!!

Originally I had planned to take the kids to a fun Earth Day celebration downtown today with Auntie Litter and all...but after the jam-packed (but still fun) week we have had, we decided to honor our Earth by staying home today, not driving anywhere, and spending some time in our backyard.

We also joined Grow Alabama, a CSA group (Community Supported Agriculture) that supports Alabama farmers through local weekly purchases of vegetable/fruit/meat/dairy boxes that are delivered to your home!
If you are local and want more information on the group, see the above link, and if you're out of state, please take a few minutes to see how you too, can support your local farmers!
Cheers, Kate

Monday, April 19, 2010

Creativity Looming

With all that has consumed our life over the past year or so, with the move, completing my thesis, etc...I have felt like my creative muse has become an empty vessel! Now that my thesis is finished, the majority of our boxes unpacked, and spring has sprung, reshaping our landscape right before my eyes, I am starting feel the inspiration, and motivation, to allow time for creativity!

I am starting to feel desperate to create something!

Anything actually...

But lately, these are the things I have been dreaming about spending my time upon:

1. sewing, sewing, sewing

2. spoiling (in all the best ways) our vegetable garden...I have such high hopes for it this year!

3. painting and adding some very needed special touches to Juliana's poorly neglected bedroom

4. getting back to my fiction writing

5. blogging more

6. re-establishing a relationship with my camera...I've missed you so...

7. letter writing to friends

8. painting with the kids

That is good for if only I can make myself set aside some time here and there!

How are you using your creativity these days?

Cheers, Kate

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting things done!

It feels like it's been SO long since I last posted (and it really has been, hasn't it?) that I have actually been avoiding my own blog for fear of facing my own embarrassment at being MIA for such a long time!

Oh well, so be it. Life has kept me busy...very busy lately, and that has been a good thing, because I have been gettin things done!

Last week I defended my graduate level THESIS! And very soon now, I will have that amazing, (almost gold like) English Masters degree in hand!

I'll be back tomorrow...I promise...

Till then, cheers,