Friday, November 4, 2011

An Expansion into Slow Living

amazing what happens when you slow sown

This week while I spent some time researching more about the slow home movement, I discovered my search leading me to a variety of other types of "slow" focused concepts. The more I learn and process, the more I realize that this personal endeavor of mine is becoming so much more to me than just a challenge to create a slow home. It's expanding to include a shift toward a slower way of life.

In my opinion, this approach isn't about slowing down so much that a person ends up on the sidelines of life, but rather that he or she takes the time to truly consider the impact, as well as the potential effects, resulting from the choices we make throughout life.

I find it comforting to know that there are people out there, lots of them, in fact, who live wholeheartedly within the realm of slow living philosophies. Among them are mothers and fathers, doctors, teachers, writers, builders, and more. They all see the incredible benefits of slowing down a variety of situations within their lives, whether it be the design and efficiency of their home, their family's hectic schedule and weekly activities, how they spend their money, or even the way they celebrate holidays and other life experiences altogether.

I'm moved by the results of their efforts, and can't help but find inspiration in their willingness to share their own personal beliefs and experiences about slow living, even if it's met with doubt or disbelief. It works for them, and it appears that is simply enough, that is the reward.

I want that.

Two months ago, I began this challenge in an effort to live a more mindful, purposeful life. I love the idea that this is a continual process, one that will constantly shift, and evolve with all of the twists and turns in my life. Yet, what I'm finally realizing more than anything, is that the philosophies of slow living are not representative of some momentary cultural trend- instead they're designed to shape and direct our daily intentions and actions toward creating a higher level of sustainability, as well as more meaningful life experiences.

And that my friends is my two cents for the day!

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