Monday, May 2, 2011

The Bright Side

Lots of Ups and Downs lately...but I'm not complaining.

I started running again-outside, which has given me a new sense of motivation. I kind of like running somewhere, as opposed to running on the treadmill, which always felt as if I was going going no where. My treadmill broke a few months ago, and in many ways it was kind of a blessing. Now instead of running inside of my garage, staring at the concrete block walls, I run amongst the trees and gardens of neighbors homes, up and down the rolling hills of my neighborhood, and have fresh air filling my lungs each time I inhale. I've even started bringing along my dog, Sophie. She could stand to shed a few winter pounds, and she's loving it!

For a long time I was dependent upon the treadmill for running- it allowed me the freedom to run whenever I wanted. The weather didn't matter, nor did the time of day. In fact, I could even run while the kids rode their bikes in circles around me! When the treadmill broke I thought that freedom was gone. Then after a multiple week long pity party, it hit me-if running was important enough to me, I would figure out an alternative way to fit that priority back into my life.

So I did.

And wow, am I grateful for that forced change. Interesting how some changes, although perhaps uncomfortable, really do lead to more joy in life.

Happy Monday everyone.

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