Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pushing New Limits

This morning I went for my third run this week. I've been bringing along the dogs, alternating them with each run as they both benefit from the added social time. But Sophie in particular, who is currently carrying an extra 15 pounds, could really use the additional exercise.

Feeding off of a friend's motivation today, I thought it would be a great day for both Sophie and I to push some new limits, so I decided to add a third lap around the long path that we've begun running along. Just as we began going the extra distance, we came up behind two women who were walking along the path. They turned around to see us and politely stepped aside to let us pass. But as I continued on my way around them I felt a tug on Sophie's leash. I turned around to see my sweet dog standing at a halt, and panting next to these ladies!

She raised her head up to them, and I swear the look on her face practically SPOKE, "oh please, oh please, let me just slow down and walk with theses ladies instead!!"

The two women thought it was so funny, and even offered to let her walk with them while I finished my run. We all had a good laugh and I thanked them for their kindness, but told them we had to be on our way.

"Come on Sophie!" I called. I thought I heard her sigh a bit, but within a second she took a slightly hesitant step, picked back up her pace, and managed to stay right there along side of me for the rest of the run.

I was super proud of her.

To finish that run today felt awesome, and I can't help but think that Sophie is pretty darn proud of herself too...


Krista said...

Good job Sophie (and Kate too)!

Unknown said...

Thanks Krista!!! I just got back from my 4th run this week, and I am feeling great about making it more of a priority these days!