Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ahhhhh, Spring....

Images of Spring from our neck of the woods...

Seeds that the kids helped to plant rise to life before our very eyes (these are now lovingly referred to by Nate as the beanstalks)!

Happy green boots equal clean sneakers

They could spend the whole day digging (and it seems like they do!).

Trees coming to life

Discovering all of the fun things others who've lived here have planted

I told you I liked to rake leaves! (And, no, I won't come and rake yours!).

Lots of wonderful color

Gotcha!!! Juliana helping to "un-plant" the seeds we had just put into the pot!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

don't you love finding bulbs people planted in a home before you were there? i do :)

i am sure going to miss the southern Green this year, have fun planting!