Friday, April 3, 2009

Thank God for Fridays!

Ahhhh, I love Fridays.

All week long I hustle, I cheat time here and there, eat on the go, or standing up while throwing the ball to the kids, clean, clean and clean and do even more laundry...but Fridays, Fridays are different.

It's not like I actually take the day "off" or anything, (I mean seriously, does a stay-at-home mother (or even one who works outside the home) ever really get to take the day "off"?) but for me, Fridays mean time to slow down. I get up, do what I do every day to get the kids and myself dressed and fed and ready for the day, but then, I steer us away from our normal routine and usually pack a snack, some water and juice and get the kids in the car. In the past it has been the zoo, the State Museum, or the park. Today however, it was the shoe store, Lowes and the sporting Goods store. Yeah, yeah, I know that doesn't sound as exciting as the zoo to most people, but to me, a mom who dreads the idea of running errands with two toddlers in tow in the incredibly short period of time I usually schedule myself to do so, doing them on a Friday is almost, almost I say, enjoyable!

The kids had a blast at the shoe store, running around with other kids, getting their feet measured and feeling important because I let them decide on their choice of Summer shoes. Nate got to linger a little longer on the seat of the ride on lawn mowers at Lowes, and Juliana got to pick out a new princess baseball bat and Nate a new baseball mitt at the sporting goods store.

I on the other hand, got the new shoes out of the way, (Velcro sneakers are more encouraged- stated a recent e-mail from Nate's teacher, who apparently was getting tired of having to constantly re-tie Nate's shoes). I got to return a broken rake, (can you even believe a brand new rake BROKE in half the other day, while little old me was raking up some leaves- and yes, I was very dissapointed that I had to stop one of my favorite activities mid way through) get some new garden supplies and leisurely browse through the patio furniture. And I finally got an air pump for the 10 deflated balls in our garage!

It feels good to slow down the pace a bit, breath a little easier and look forward to spending the weekend with my husband home for a change- the way it should be!

Enjoy the day everyone!
Love, Kate


Maggie said...

It's all about a person looks at life, and at all individual days..............

Lizzie said...

sounds like a good day :) i am so glad Pete will be home with you all. enjoy it!

Holly said...

I LOVE days when you can slow down, take a deep breath, and really enjoy the kids and all life has to offer! Good for you, I am sure they felt your relaxed attitude as well!