Friday, September 11, 2009

Quiet Morning

This morning the house is quiet, the windows are open, my thoughts are clear and I have been sitting down for the last 30 minutes (a rare occasion during my normal day!). My (wonderful) neighbor, Carolyn, is watching Nate and Juliana, and I am taking the time to catch up on random "Kate" things. A few months ago Carolyn and I set up a great system of watching one another's children one morning a week. It's worked out great, as it gives each of us just a tad bit more time to get things done- kid free!

Funny how little alone time most moms actually allow themselves. Last night as I lay in bed trying unsuccessfully to turn off my mind, I couldn't help but imagine all of the possibilities of how I could spend the three luxurious hours this morning...I could do the usual, work on my thesis, clean the house, do the laundry, OR, I could go and get a (really) long overdue haircut, get that (desperately) needed oil change, work on our (also poorly neglected) digital family photo books, OR maybe even go and see a movie- no, I couldn't...a movie just seemed too indulgent, and quiet frankly, too much of a waste of time!

So, I am settling for a little thesis work, family photo Photoshop editing, and a few other random things like dropping by my (also poorly neglected) blog.

I hope everyone has had a great week and is ready to enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

When the flight attendant says" If an oxygen mask comes down from the ceiling, give the oxygen to your self, before giving it to your child".