Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nate's Power Washer


Maggie said...


Rob said...

Tell Nate to come on over to Rochester, we have a couple of cars that could use a good cleaning. I do have a suggestion for your home decorations. Have you seen some of those "Singing Bass Wall Mounts". Nothing says WELCOME To MY HOME like a wall mounted singing bass. In my home we have allot of shot glasses, ceramic chickens, broken snow boards taped to the ceilings but my wife drew the line at the Singing Bass Wall Mount.

kate said...

Nate would be happy to power wash anything of anyone's! It is his favorite activity! Rob, I have a feeling that your wife has much better taste than shot glasses and broken snow boards, but you are right, the signing bass wall mount belongs no place other than a box in the garage! Hope you are well!