Thursday, June 24, 2010

Slowing Down...

With the (horrid) Alabama HEAT in full swing around these parts, the kids and I have been mostly sticking to indoor activities lately.

We've enjoyed free movies at our local movie theater, awesome library events, and lots of fun play dates with great friends. But as the weeks pass by, I have begun to enjoy spending just as much time here at home with the kids. After all of the chaos of the last year including our recent move and my completing my Masters degree, I can't tell you how great it feels to just simply....






What we've been doing:

  • Nate has been spending loads of time working on all of the awesome building sets he received as birthday gifts (and might I add, he's been coming up with some really cool inventions!)

  • Jules is taking full advantage of all of her dress up clothes, playing restaurant, and teaching the alphabet to all of her dolls!

  • Together they have been enjoying their version of sledding with an IKEA tunnel

  • We have been making lots of crafts, painting, and trying to practice and enhance the kid's writing and reading skills

  • I have been organizing the playroom

  • Tending to the garden

  • Trying to catch up on all of those unfinished (or really, never even started!) house projects

(more painting, organizing, etc....)

  • Dedicating time toward figuring out REAL priorities, and creating a SIMPLER household, and if I can make it happen...a simlpler, more productive life as well! Simple Mom has become my new favorite place to gather inspiration and even more importantly, motivation on living simpler!!! Check it out!

Here's to taking a little time to just slow down and enjoy what life presents you!



April said...

I'm aching to slow down this summer! Unfortunately, we seem busier than ever right now. I'm hoping some downtime will come our way soon.

kate said...

I know, April, it seems like life never gives us the opportunity to slow down! I have to admit that I have been forcing it a bit lately, saying no to invites, or just not making plans in the open times of our week!