Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Vegetable Pickin

Yesterday a friend of mine who lives in Massachusetts, mentioned that she spent the day planting her summer garden. It dawned on me, that while she was busy planting, I was heading out to our yard to pick our first "fruits" of the season... I guess living in the South does have some advantages!


Rob said...

Alabama is the Greatest Place on Planet Earth!!!!!!!!

Kayla said...

I am experienceing serious garden envy! I got my tomatos and basil in, but still have pumpkins, cukes and various herbs to go....they are all so tiny:) Eat a squash for your Northern buddies!

Kellye said...

Now THAT is a garden! How awesome are you! Hi Kate! I'm Kellye and we're actually neighbors. I'm in Mississippi. I enjoyed reading over some of your posts and look forward to reading more!

BTW, stopping over from the Friday Follow-up at the Mom Loop! Have a great day!

Adry said...

I am also stopping over from the Friday Follow-up at the Mom Loop. Your vegetables look great. We are growing cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell peppers ourselves. Hopefully in future years we'll be able to grow so much more!

Rieshy said...

Beautiful veggies!

I love, love, love living in the South, until July and August:)

Unknown said...

what a nice garden and beautiful kids