Monday, October 6, 2008

Putting Kate Back Together Again

I have had a tough past week...but I am better! I am motivated and inspired to get back into gear and stay focused on the end result here-moving our family to a community better suited for us.

I have been doing some real soul searching as well and am continually coming back to the notion that in order to be a better mother to my children, I need to be better to myself as a person.

I have come to the realization that I don't handle certain types of stress well and in the future, I need to do things a lot differently. I have realized that I have been doing some things horribly wrong and my health and general well being have taken the brunt of it. In figuring out all of this, I am taking some time (whenever I can!) to try and come up with a better plan for me as an individual. Unfortunately, it has taken falling apart to understand that some big changes need to be made. I guess that is usually how it works.

Some of the best advice my mother ever gave me about motherhood involves the safety procedure for passengers on a crashing airplane. The flight attendant explains to us that in order to better help our children, we need to first put the oxygen mask on ourselves, and then assist them. If we cannot breath properly, we cannot help them to do so either.... this is where I have faltered greatly in the past weeks. I have not taken proper care of myself and it has hindered me from being the kind of mother I want and need to be.

Anyway, now that things are coming to a slower pace around here, I aim to begin establishing some new goals and methods of getting things accomplished. I begin by making a list of 10 things that I can do in under 10 minutes that will help me to relax and breath right again....

1. read a chapter of a book
2. watch HGTV or The Food Network channel
3. play with the kids outside
4. read my friend's blogs
5. bake something (obviously this may take longer!)
6. play with the dogs
7. have a glass of wine (sorry- I had to put it down!)
8. paint- not walls
9. work in the garden
10. dance with the kids to some music

That was easier than I thought it would be! What do you to relax and to take better care of yourself? Any other suggestions for me? Thanks!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

you seem to have covered all he things i would have suggested. :)
hey, i tagged you on this survey thing (SORRY, I HAD TO!!) come on over to my blog and check it out.
See you soon!