Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Early Rising

I woke up early this morning. Pete and I planned it all out last night- we got the kids to bed at a decent hour, relaxed a bit ourselves and then off to bed I went, aiming to get at least 8 hours before a 6 am rise. I planned to go for an early morning run and then work on my thesis.

What I didn't plan on was having trouble falling asleep in the first place and having it take me at least two hours before I was finally able to drift off, or waking at 2 am to the sound of little footsteps in our room, or the same sound and the appearance of the same sweet face (Jules) moments before my alarm was set to ring...

Never the less, I woke, I stretched and I rose. Juliana and I headed downstairs for a fresh cup of coffee, a new sippy cup of cold milk and cereal with blueberries. I didn't get my run in and my thesis still waits upstairs, untouched as of this morning. Maybe tomorrow will be different...All I can do is keep trying, right?!

Today's Memories:

-Snuggling in the rocker with Nate and then playing tag outside with him while Juliana took a nap.

-Nate asking me what I wanted to do today!

-Juliana and her friend Isabella holding hands and dancing around the living room.


Holly said...

Being a mom means rolling with the punches, you do such a good job at that! Life never goes as planned with kids, but we still enjoy every minute! Keep trying, don't give up! It will all get done sooner or later!

Unknown said...

Ahh, the best laid plans. . . I didn't realize you are going to school! What is your thesis on?

Thanks for all your comments on my blog! Marci Scronic (do you remember her?) had moved to the San Fran area in high school. She has since landed in Arizona, is married, and just had her first baby last May (a huge miracle in a tiny package--he was three months early).

Head Lima Bean said...

argh! but even the way you wrote about it: coffee, milk and blueberrie sounds pretty sweet...and you got some one on one time with j!

Lizzie said...

i love your moments at the end of this post! everyday i wake up with good intentions.... and everyday my life (KIDS) change my plans! ha ha. good luck tomorrow :)