Thursday, October 15, 2009

Checking In!!!

Wow, I think this is the longest I have been away from my blog ever. I hope YOU are still out there though, checking in to see what's up with us!

This will be quick, I just want to let you all know that I am alive and managing better than I have in a long while.

Good news:

-We found a house in Birmingham (more on this to come soon, I promise!).

-We found a new preschool in Birmingham and have enrolled the kids to begin the week after we move there (big relief).

-Cooler temps around these parts is fulfilling my desire for fall weather (I miss the North so much this time of year!)

Bad News:

- I can't seem to get caught up with daily tasks to save my life! As a result and in order to save me time:

-The kids are brushing their own teeth (let's hope this is working well)

-I am doing laundry and writing grocery lists at 11:30 pm (that's right, me, the one who likes to go to bed at 9 pm)

-Our house is remaining undesirably messy

-We are eating quick and easy meals, sorry Pete

-My thesis has once again become poorly neglected- but I am working on this one!

-The novel I'm reading hasn't been touched in two weeks

Okay, that's enough for now. I really just wanted to say hello. I need to unload some groceries from the car! I'll be back again soon!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

sounds like my life!!!! yeah i am just now getting to my blog (and others) after who knows how long?!

good luck!!!!!!!