Saturday, September 6, 2008

Raising Funds for Schools

So, obviously my kids aren't even close to being educationally raised by the local public school system yet. In fact, as of right now, they receive most of their aptitude from me...what a responsibility! Anyway, when they finally are old enough to attend school I sure hope they are not subjected to having to go door to door in order to to raise funds for school sports and textbooks! Yesterday afternoon, one of our neighbor's daughters showed up doing just that! The poor girl looked so nervous as she handed me a piece of paper and explained that her school was raising money and asked if I would like to buy a case of Coca-Cola products. Yikes! She stood dressed in her cheer leading uniform, so I asked is this to raise money for cheer leading? No, no. She responded. "It's just for my school." Okay. Aside from having a problem with the school system sending it's youth door to door to raise money on it's behalf, we don't drink soda, lemon aid or fruit punch. "Oh, but there's bottled water," she objected. Right. I'm sorry, I have a huge issue with purchasing plastic bottles, I tell her. I just can't do it. So, I send her off with a $10 donation and begin to ponder the craziness of it all....
JUST A NOTE: I don't want to come off as someone who doesn't appreciate the fact that our public school systems often need the community's financial support- I just don't think that sending 10-year-olds door to door asking for donations is the way to do it. Also- we do drink our share of lemonaid every so often, just not the kind that is manufactured in mini plastic bottles!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Yikes! No Lemon aid? my kids would die! :) I thought i was the only mother of 2 small children that didn't drink soda, let alone my children, hello, jammed with caffeine people! Don't get me on my high horse about how they serve my kids soda everyday in preschool. *gggrrrr*

My kids HATE it, so I have to spend our money to keep 2 classrooms (one for Audrey and one for Zane) fully stocked with drink alternatives. See I'm getting on that high horse, let me jump off...

Way to go Kate, sticking to what you believe in AND teaching this young girl something in the process! I remember those "fund raiser days" Terrified at what kind of person might open the door, the best was when my dad would take the fund raiser stuff to work an come home with TONS of orders and all I had to so was nothing! THANK DAD!

Have fun with your honey, tell him Good Luck from us. Any takers on the home front?