Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cooking for the Kiddos-Healthy, Entertaining Food Blogs

I spent a little too much time chasing down good bread recipes online this morning, (finally found a great sandwich bread one here) but on my wild and meandering journey, I discovered a whole heap of really cool food blogs- including ones for kiddos too!!

As many of you know, we've had our fair share of food issues with the kids around here, so I am always looking for good suggestions....Check em out if you have some time, I can't wait to check them out regularly!

I love her Recipe Swap Sundays section!
Her concept is simple, she creates fun, exciting and yummy recipes that are easy to put together for the entire family. And it looks like she wears high heels while doing it all....!
-Under The Highchair
Her efforts please a picky eater often end up "under the highchair!" Hahaha, get it? I know, I know....This blog is so easy to relate to though, in terms of frustration with a picky toddler, has great photos, and is really funny!

Plus- her blog was selected as the Best Mommy Blog by Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine....hum, Wow!
Her Whole Wheat Cranberry Cookies make my mouth water and will hopefully do the same for Nate and Jules!
This blog host a whole plethera of healthy eating and living for your family!
Enjoy reading!
Also, check out Weelicious... the first nutrional kiddo food site I found that gave me sincere hope!
Love, Kate

1 comment:

Elena said...

These are resources I desperately need. Thanks for posting.